N. John Habraken (john@habraken.org)

List of titles in the German language


Learning from the INO experience essay in: Systems Separation, Open Building at the Inselspital Bern, INO Project, 2009 Office of Properties and Buildings, Canton Bern, A Symposium focused on the INO Hospital Project New Center for Intensive Care, Emergency and Surgery, July 11-12, 2006. Bilingual edition German / English.

Die Träger und die Menschen, Das Ende des Massenwohnungsbaus. Arch-Edition, Den Haag, 2001, Translated by Arnulf Lüchinger, ISBN 3-9522023-1-2

"The General from the Local". German translation in:Trialog: Zeitschrift fur das Planen und Bauen in der Dritte Welt. No. 3, 1984 , from original in Architectural Education 2, 1983. Also published in Open House International, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1983, and in Places, Vol 3., No. 5, 1985.

"Das Ende Des Wohnbauprojectes". Architese, No. 1, 1972.

"To Share an Architecture". Die Aesthetic der Stadterneuerung . Fassbinder and Fuhr, Eds. Published as Materialien No. 2. Berlin: Hochschule der Kunste, 1985.

"Stichting Architecten Research: Industrialisierter Wonungsbau". Bauwelt, Heft 10, 1968.

Lüchinger, Arnulf : "2-Komponenten-Bauweise, Struktur und Zufall", Arch-Edition, Den Haag, 2001, ISBN3-9522023-1-2 (An essay on the relation between the 'support' idea and architecture in the Netherlands.)


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